Shares of LASE last traded at $4.1300, a gain of $1.2100 (+41.44%). The stock traded between the range of $3.8300 – $4.4900 and currently has a 52 week range of $1.8200 – $5.5000. More than 45,511,894 shares exchanged hands today. So why did the stock price surge today ? Looks like the PR’s have been planned in a timely fashion to demonstrate value to LASE’s shareholders and investors.
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Laser Photonics (LASE) is in the lime light after the company announced that the Coca-Cola Company recently completed the implementation of its first CleanTech Handheld Laser Blasting system in its manufacturing facilities. This news follows right after the company had released news that it has received an order from the U.S. Navy for delivery this month of an LPC-1000CTH CleanTech Laser Blasting System with an integrated water chiller for submarine MRO (maintenance, repair and operations).
After hours LASE was trading at $4.0800 and down $0.05 (-1.21%).
The CleanTech Handheld LPC-50CTH Laser is an air-cooled pulse laser system, perfect for roughing and finishing nearly any surface. Super compact, the LPC-50CTH is designed as an entry-level laser cleaning and surface treatment system for small areas requiring delicate cleaning, de-painting, and other surface preparation operations. Microprocessor controlled and with no need for a PC, the system is instantly ready when the key is turned ON. The touch screen allows you to choose among five pre-designed cleaning patterns. The system’s heavy-duty industrial design is based on years of experience building Hand Held Lasers for marking and engraving applications.
Other companies in Laser Photonics’s space includes: LiqTech Intl (NASDAQ:LIQT), Eastern Co (NASDAQ:EML), L S Starrett (NYSE:SCX), JE Cleantech Hldgs (NASDAQ:JCSE) and Highway Holdings (NASDAQ:HIHO).